It appears a public relations firm, Edelman’s, recently performed a phone survey which concluded that bloggers are the "least trusted" group of authority figures source of information in Ireland. This has been widely reported:
When we consider who we trust the most as a spokesperson in Ireland, the most trusted sources of information include, financial or industry analysts at 62%, followed by a doctor or healthcare specialist at 57%, an NGO representative at 57% and academics at 53%. Bloggers are the least trusted at 7%.
at Silicon Republic:
Bloggers have emerged as the “least trusted” group in the country.
and on
"What has been interesting to note in this year’s findings is the apparent low standings of bloggers and social media in general," said [Mark Cahalane, managing director of Edelman Dublin]. "One interpretation of the survey would be that bloggers have now entered the mainstream and people no longer distinguish between blogs and ordinary websites. This is also reflected by the fact that numerous high profile bloggers are widely quoted in the media."
However, as Damien noted, Piaras Kelly raised a very significant point about this — ‘the people surveyed for the research had to fit a certain demographic, including having to be aged between 35-64.’ […] ‘A Generational gap is evident.’ This press release corroborates that. Sure enough, most blog readers (and writers) would tend to be of the younger generation — a pretty key point, one would assume, but one that most of the non-blogger coverage has omitted ;)
(Update: the term "authority figure" wasn’t quite correct; replaced with what Edelman themselves use, "source of information".)