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Upcoming Mike Culver talk about AWS

Mike Culver, Amazon’s "Web Services Evangelist", will be in Dublin next week to evangelize about the goodness that is Amazon S3, EC2, SQS and so on. It seems he’ll be talking at the following locations:

  • in the Auditorium of the Digital Exchange, Crane Street, Dublin 8 on Tuesday October 30th, 3-5pm; here’s a flyer the Amazonites have been passing around. ( page)

  • according to Damien, later that evening, he’s in the Westin Hotel on Westmoreland St., D2, starting at 7pm; note, it seems you need to book places at this, see Damien’s post.

  • and again at the Irish Linux User’s Group on Thursday November 1st at 19:30 in the Irish Computer Society in Dublin (map).

I guess these are all going to be same talk, bar the Q&A ;)

There was some kind of an ICTE get-together mooted for Friday 2nd.

Also, the ILUG annual general meeting is scheduled on the following Saturday, 3rd November, also at the ICS. Gareth Eason notes ‘we’re hoping to start at 3pm sharp, with talks from Dave Wilson (HEAnet), Frank Duignan, John Looney (Google), and others, followed by a relaxing wind-down in the Schoolhouse pub later on.’ ( page)

Hopefully I’ll get to at least one of the AWS talks (probably the Digital Exchange one) and the ILUG AGM… busy week!