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more on social whitelisting with OpenID

An interesting post from Simon Willison, noting that he is now publishing a list of "non-spammy" OpenID identities (namely people who posted one or more non-spammy comments to his blog).

I attempted to comment, but my comments haven’t appeared — either they got moderated as irrelevant (I hope not!) or his new anti-comment-spam heuristics are wonky ;) Anyway, I’ll publish here instead.

It’s possible to publish a whitelist in a "secure" fashion — allowing third parties to verify against it, without explicitly listing the identities contained. One way is using Google’s enchash format. Another is using something like the algorithm in LOAF.

Also, a small group of people (myself included) tried social-network-driven whitelisting a few years back, with IP addresses and email, as the Web-o-Trust.

Social-network-driven whitelisting is not as simple as it first appears. Once someone in the web — a friend of a friend — trusts a marginally-spammy identity, and a spam is relayed via that identity, everyone will get the spam, and tracking down the culprit can be hard unless you’ve designed for that in the first place (this happened in our case, and pretty much killed the experiment). I think you need to use a more complex Advogato-style trust algorithm, and multiple "levels" of outbound trust, instead of the simplistic Web-o-Trust model, to avoid this danger.

Basically, my gut feeling is that a web of trust for anti-spam is an attractive concept, possible, but a lot harder than it looks. It’s been suggested repeatedly ever since I started writing SpamAssassin, but nobody’s yet come up with a working one… that’s got to indicate something ;) (Mind you, the main barrier has probably been waiting for workable authentication, which is now in place with DK/SPF/DKIM.)

In the meantime, the concept of a trusted third party who publishes their concept of an identity’s reputation — like Dun and Bradstreet, or Spamhaus — works very nicely indeed, and is pretty simple and easy to implement.