I don’t know what’s going on with An Post, the Irish postal service, these days — I’ve been having some pretty bad luck with them.
For my birthday, I was lucky enough to be given a Thingamagoop — it took a while (hey, they’re hand-made) but was shipped on Nov 7th from the US. Bleep Labs accidentally shipped me two, apparently, but only one has arrived — on Nov 16th, 9 days after shipping. The other one’s still AWOL nearly a month later.
I then ordered something from Sendit.com on Nov 17th, as a birthday gift for Nov 30th. It was shipped from their Belfast offices on Nov 18th, and still hasn’t arrived to date. Sendit were champs, however, and refunded the purchase as soon as I rang them on the 30th (I’d recommend their services, no problem).
Finally, SpamAssassin was lucky enough to win a <a href=’http://www.linuxnewmedia.com/Press/Press_Releases/Awards_2006′>Linux New Media Award 2006 for ‘Best Linux-based Anti-spam Solution’ — nifty! As part of this, a (physical) trophy is apparently winging its way from Germany, and was apparently shipped on November 27th. Guess what: no sign.
In other words, in the past month, 75% of the parcels sent to me seem to have gone AWOL. All I can do is hope that they’ve just been delayed, rather than suffer a worse fate. In particular, I hope that trophy turns up — it’s the only physical award we’ve ever received :(
Can anyone think of a good avenue to track these down? The website seems pretty negative, and what I’ve heard seems to be along the lines of ‘turn up at the sorting depot, cross your fingers, and see if they’ve been misdelivered’. Ick.