I got slashdotted yesterday! Unfortunately, stock WordPress falls over pretty quickly. Once I managed to get this plugin installed, though, things were a lot better… thumbs up for WP-Cache
I need to do this soon; damn copy-on-write disk images are chewing up my disk space
one large website’s password list analysed; 1.4% of passwords were “123456”, and 2.5% overall began with 1234
Dapper is now released — and is live-upgradable via apt-get. am I stupid enough to do this? quite possibly; I’ve done it for the past 5 upgrades
a message router for pings, for web pages containing microformat data. Interesting to see that Upcoming.org is currently the only ping producer — their pings are then consumed by evdb, the only third-party ping receiver listed
graph of request frequency over the past few days at taint.org; that spike was pretty major