Here’s what happens when you search for single letters on Google:
- A: Apple
- B:
- D: D-Link
- E: E! Online
- F: (probably due to being referred to as ‘F***edCompany’ or similar)
- G: Gmail (not the main Google site, interestingly)
- H: H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online
- I: iTunes
- J: Jennifer Lopez (really. "J-Lo", I guess)
- K: K Mart
- L: the Council of Europe (?!?)
- M: Texas A&M University
- N: AT&T Knowledge Network Explorer: Blue Web’n Homepage
- O: O’Reilly Media
- P: The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Q: (the website for the UK music magazine ‘Q’)
- R: The R Project For Statistical Computing
- S: McDonald’s (note the apostrophe-S!)
- T: AT&T
- U: The University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona
- V: V for Vendetta (the official site)
- W: W Hotels (a subsite of
- X: X.Org
- Y: Yahoo! Messenger (again, not the main Y! site)
- Z: A To Z Teacher Stuff
Interestingly I got to see the new Google search results page, with the sidebar, once. It must be in the process of rolling out…