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Planet Antispam

So a few weeks back, I mooted the idea of an anti-spam Planet site, similar to Planet GNOME, Planet Java, Planet Perl et al.

Here’s the results: Planet Antispam.

It’s still got a few rough edges; notably, the URL is not permanent — I’d prefer something at a more spam-themed domain — and the logo is the generic "PlanetPlanet" one. But it’s up and running in a beta-ish fashion.

Feel free to bookmark, subscribe, post the URL on, etc.; and if you’d like to give it a better home with an A record at a spam-themed domain, drop me a line.

Update, Jan 17: Thanks to John Levine, it now has a permanent home at . After several weeks of operation, I think it’s turning out to be pretty solid, too!

By the way, it also needs more source feeds. If you know of people with blogs, working on/writing about anti-spam (of the email variety), with RSS feeds that work, include the post text, and permit further redistribution of that text, drop us a line and I’ll add them.

Finally, here’s a picture of a Starbucks SPAM(r) Sandwich. (shudder)