Networking: Donal Cunningham, president of SAGE-IE, mails to note an interesting talk on in Dublin next week:
The System Administrators’ Guild of Ireland and Dublin University Internet Society present…
What : From the ground up; a greenfield deployment in Liberia
Who : Comdt. Kieran Motherway, Corps of Comms. and IS, Defence Forces
Where: Walton Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, TCD
When : Tuesday the 8th of February, 7 p.m.
Why : The Irish Defence Forces deployed to a greenfield site in Liberia in 2004, and had to build Comms/IT infrastructure from the ground up. Comdt. Motherway will talk about the Irish Army’s experiences with this deployment, and just how far removed from an air-conditioned, climate-controlled comms room you can get…
Sounds like fun, and I know a few readers will be interested ;)