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Planetary Backgrounds now using Coral

Web: My Nearly-Live Planetary Desktop Backgrounds site is now using NYU’s Coral Content Distribution Network instead of (FreeCache wasn’t caching the files, because they were too small. drat.)

Coral is a ‘decentralized, self-organizing, peer-to-peer web-content distribution network’, using a distributed sloppy hash table and peer-to-peer DNS redirection infrastructure.

At least, apparently. ;) I haven’t read the papers yet, but what I do know is that so far, it seems to be working perfectly — each file is requested exactly once by the CDN servers: - - [31/Aug/2004:16:50:31 +0100] "GET
  HTTP/1.1" 200 706936 "-" "CoralWebPrx/0.1 (See"

and never requested again. That’s a big saving… nifty!