Unix: via
Ted Leung,
Adam Rosi-Kessel’s Linux Tips page has some very useful tips, and
this one’s great — to avoid
getting SSH connection resets, add the following to your .ssh/config:
serveraliveinterval 300 serveralivecountmax 10
This will insure (jm: sic) that ssh will occasional send an ACK type request every 300 seconds so that the connection doesn’t die.
As a similar tip that took a while to track down — KDE users who’ve upgraded between KDE releases, will probably by now have seen lots of messages like this:
nameofapp (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 48x48/stock/text not valid.
It took a bit of googling about to find the cure:
- run in a shell (I cannot find this on any menu): kdebugdialog –fullmode
- select: debug area: 264 kdecore (KIconLoader)
- Change the Warning Output to ‘None’
- select: OK