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Samuel L. Jackson’s ‘Irish’ comment

Here’s a hot UL that’s floating around the irish web right now —

In a British program about Samuel L Jackson and Colin Farrell’s lastest movie SWAT presented by British presenter, Kate Thornton, the following exchange occured:

Thornton: What was it like working with Colin (Farrell), cos he is just so hot in the U.K. right now?

Jackson: He’s pretty hot in the U.S. too.

Thornton: Yeah, but he is one of our own.

Jackson: Isn’t he from Ireland?

Thornton: Yeah, but we can claim him cos Ireland is beside us.

Jackson: You see that’s your problem right there. You British keep claiming people that don’t belong to you. We had that problem here in America too, it was called slavery.

… yeah, right. ;)

(Update: Actually, believe it or not, that’s more or less how it really went. Here’s the transcript.)

Some commentary at (quote: ‘I NEARLY DEAD TO RASS!!!!’) and Kuro5hin.

It looks like the TV programme does exist; no scripts online, unfortunately, so we’ll never figure out if this one really happened, I think.

IMO, it’s made up for sure. That last line is just a little too harsh for a primetime schmooze-a-gram, at the very least. Plus, it’s the kind of thing only an Irishman would give a shit about — the perpetual adoption of Irish celebs and worthies by the UK media is a continual source of irritation for the Irish — as Dervala puts it:

‘No, Oscar Wilde was ours. You put him in jail, though. And Shaw was ours. And Yeats. And Johnny Rotten.’