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Bullshitty keynotes: not as easy as they used to be

thanks to blogs, wifi and the web, bullshitting a keynote at a conference isn’t quite as easy to pull off as it used to be! From Dan Gillmor’s keynote at Supernova, via BoingBoing:

At PCForum, Joe Nacchio, the CEO of Qwest was on-stage, doing a Q and A. Joe was whining about how hard it is to run a phone company these days. Dan (Gillmor) blogged, “Joe’s whining.” A few moments later, he got an email from someone who wasn’t at the conference, someone in Florida, with a link to a page that showed that Joe took $300MM out of the company and has another $4MM to go — gutting the company as he goes.

Esther Dyson described this as the turning point. The mood turned ugly. The room was full of people reading the blog and everyone stopped being willing to cut Joe any slack.