Good news! <a href="”>From the Perl 5.9.2 ‘perl592delta’ change log:
The regexp engine now implements the trie optimization : it’s able to factorize common prefixes and suffixes in regular expressions. A new special variable, ${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF}, has been added to fine-tune this optimization.
in other words, the trie-optimization patch contributed by demerphq back in March 2005 is now in a released build of Perl. Yay!
Here’s a writeup of what it does:
A trie is a way of storing keys in a tree structure where the branching logic is determined by the value of the digits of the key. Ie: if we have "car", "cart", "carp", "call", "cull" and "cars" we can build a trie like this:
c + a + r + t | | | | | + p | | | | | + s | | | + l - l | + u - l - lWhat the patch does is make /a | list | of | words/ into a trie that matches those words. This means that we can efficiently tell if any of the words are at a given location in a strng by simply walking the string and trie at the same time. In many cases we can rule out the entire list by looking at only one character of the input. The current way perl handles this would require looking at N chars where N is the number of words involved. (BTW: Thats the beauty of a trie, its lookup time is independent of the number of words it stores but rather on the key length of the word being looked up. )
SpamAssassin is, of course, both (a) very regular-expression-intensive and (b) searches a single block of text for a large number of independent patterns in parallel. I’d love to see someone coming up with a patch to SpamAssassin that uses trie-compatible regexps when the perl version is >= 5.9.2, and gets increased performance that way. hint ;)
BTW, the Regexp::Trie module on CPAN is related — in that it, similar to Regexp::Optimizer, Regex::PreSuf, or Regexp::Assemble, will compile a list of words or regular expressions into a super-efficient trie-style regexp. However, without the trie patch to the regexp engine itself, this would be a minor efficiency tweak at best; although having said that, Regexp::Assemble’s POD notes:
You should realise that large numbers of alternations are processed in perl’s regular expression engine in O(n) time, not O(1). If you are still having performance problems, you should look at using a trie. Note that Perl’s own regular expression engine will implement trie optimisations in perl 5.10 (they are already available in perl 5.9.3 if you want to try them out). Regexp::Assemble will do the right thing when it knows it’s running on a a trie’d perl. (At least in some version after this one).
(PS: interestingly, demerphq mentioned back in March 2005 that he was working on Aho-Corasick matching next. A-C is a great parallel-matching algorithm, and I would imagine it would increase performance yet more. I wonder what happened to that…)